Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Visual Thinking Operations

For this puzzle I used finding to locate all the triangles that make up the cat. I numbered each one so that i did not recount any.

My roommate also used finding for this puzzle. Numbering each triangle was effective in not recounting. However, my roommate counted each triangle differently.

For this puzzle, we had to distinguish which group did not belong to the main group in the middle. By using orthographic information, we both used different strategies to try to solve. I used pattern completion, however i think I also used filling in because I drew line to finish the boxes that were hidden to help myself mentally rotate the objects.

 My roommate used pattern completion to try to solve, yet he had a hard time with A and C. He thought by using process of elimination he could find the right one. He tried mentally rotating the images based on shading. I think he used mainly visual reasoning for this puzzle.

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